Thursday, December 13, 2007

LGC: Week 12

I just can't seem to be consistent. My exercise days are here and there, as are the days when I drink my water. I'm doing okay with my eating ... not stuffing myself, for the most part ... so that's good. When I'm not out and about, I do okay. It's the gatherings, where there are other people around, that I do really poorly with.

Even normal mealtimes are like that. I do excellent when I'm home alone. But, when the family is here, I find it more difficult to pay attention to my hunger signals.

Ah well. Still plugging.

I got a new workout DVD (Prevention's "Ultimate Walking Workout"), and it's pretty cool. I tried it out the other day. Will take a bit of practice to be more fluid with the movements (I'm never super-coordinated), but that's okay. It's a good cardio workout, so it's a nice compliment to the WAtP videos I already use. :o)

Speaking of which, I had intended to do a 3-4 mile walk today, but that didn't happen, as I ended up having company for a bit this afternoon. Ah well. There's still tomorrow. ;)

Friday, December 7, 2007

LGC: Week 11

I don't have a lot to tell you. Things went from bad to worse. I've all but given up on getting healthier. But, don't you worry... I haven't given up, yet!

I am lucky to have some really good friends, and an awesome God. They helped me realize, just in the nick-of-time, what I need to do to stay focused on my goals. I need to 1) stop being so desperate about losing weight, and 2) let God change me in HIS time, instead of demanding that He "fix" me in the time-frame *I* set. ;)

So, back to basics... Move more! Eat less! Journal! ;-)

PS... I can't recommend the TALES FROM THE SCALES website highly enough... so often, when I've been having a hard time with this weight loss / getting healthy thing, I've popped in there to read the posts, and I've been encouraged and motivated to keep plugging away at things, little by little! The stories of how others are doing really inspire me... they show me that I'm not alone in this, and that it CAN be done!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

LGC: Week 10

I am pathetic. This week has been really rough, and not "committed" at all. I've been eating when not hungry, making excuses for not exercising, and forgetting to drink my water.

It started with my giving in to an offered can of Coke on the weekend... and then it snowballed to the point where I was acting out of old habits instead of from my new ones.

It didn't help that I asked begged my husband to buy a box of Chewy "Dipps" granola bars -- chocolate-covered goodness in peanut butter or caramel flavors!!! While it's got granola in it, it's basically a "healthier" chocolate bar. ;o) So, yeah -- been piggin' out on those. And, my friend had us over to her place on the weekend, and I totally pigged out on the snacks offered, too (she makes THE best caramel corn in the world!)

Anyhoo. I've been kind of "kicking myself" today, which I know doesn't help. BUt, I'm frustrated. I do so well -- and get so motivated! -- for a week or so, and then I crash and end up back where I started. Why can't it just STICK?! Why can't I get this??? =(

Ah well. I'm making the small effort to get back on track -- I didn't feel like exercising yesterday, but I "did it anyway"! I didn't feel like cleaning my son's room today, but I "did it anyway"! Now, if I could just use that logic for eating -- I don't feel like avoiding the chocolate, but for my health I'll "do it anyway"! ;-P LOL.

On to another week! (Pray for me, as we're going to a friend's on the weekend, and there'll be tons of food & munchies!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

LGC: Week 9

I have to say what an amazing difference a good dose of motivation can make! This past week, I quickly read through my new book, "100 Days of Weight Loss" by Linda Spangle, and I got so entirely psyched up and rarin' to go! The book has 100 "days" of motivational tips, ranging from "Interested or Committed?" (examining whether you have the perseverance you need to stick to your plan) to "What is Emotional Eating?", to "The Eating Pause" (explaining how most people pause in their eating when they've reached their point of 'satisfaction'). This book just makes a lot of sense.

And, the cool thing is, it ISN'T a "diet" book, in the typical sense of the word. The author doesn't give you food plans to follow, or tell you to leave out certain food groups. She just motivates you to stick with your own plan, whatever it may be... plain & simple (if you're following hunger-fullness, or doing Weight Watchers, or SouthBeach... anything would work with this book!). And, that's part of why I love it. That, and she is constantly encouraging "hunger-fullness"-style methods (eating only when you're physiologically hungry, stopping when you're satisfied, seeing food as 'fuel', etc).

So, anyway. The good news in all of this is that I've stuck to my guns for the past few days -- even on the weekend (which is a complete miracle for me!) And, I plan to continue! I am now committed, rather than just 'interested'. ;)

I'm re-reading the book, now, day-by-day as it's intended... and I'm doing the journaling exercises daily, too (which are included at the end of each "day"). I'm gonna beat this thing! ;-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Great Website!

I just have to recommend this website I found yesterday...

There are tons of motivational resources on there! There's a blog, there's a challenge, there are books you can buy (I own one), and tons of other stuff. If you find yourself stuck in a weight-loss rut, or find that you have trouble keeping on track after you start a program to lose weight, definitely check out this site! You'll be glad you did!

(And, the site is beautifully done! I love the bright colors!) :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LGC: Week 8

Another week gone. It's getting closer & closer to Christmas, and then the New Year. Sheesh. :-?

This week saw an increase in my activity level. I read, recently, that just with activity (no eating changes!), you can lose up to a pound a week. And, I set out to "prove" that by increasing my activity level. I sat down last Sunday and mapped out a "plan" for how I could move more each day, and I've done my best to stick to it -- or, some semblance of it, anyway.

Monday found me walking with my DVD. I'd intended to walk 3 miles, but I ended up only doing 2. Fine, though, as I still got in the "movement".

Tuesday I walked to town -- about a 10 minute walk there, and another 10 back.

Today I attempted to go for a bike ride -- was going to bike up to town. But, after getting only 1/2 a block away, I was so much in pain in my calves & thighs, that I just ended up going around the block, and then putting my bike back in the garage, and shaking my head, saying to myself, "WHAT WAS I THINKING?!!!" LOL.
(Biking will have to be reserved for later, when I'm stronger!)

I intend to either use my DVD to walk tomorrow & Friday, or I'll do some major housecleaning ... that counts. ;o) Either way, I'm going to keep up my increased movement. Then, come Saturday, I'll weigh myself, and we'll see how things fared.

As for eating, I did okay for the end of last week, but then the weekend was another "WEAK-end", and Monday found me scrounging for food all day -- grazing, I do believe people call that. Yesterday I was battling myself -- I managed to get through the afternoon without grazing. I had a pudding cup, but that was all. The rest of the day I waited until I was hungry again. ;o)

Today was better, though. It always is when I'm not at home. I have no access to constant food, and therefore I don't eat my afternoons away.

Praying tomorrow and Friday, and ESPECIALLY the weekend!, will be good.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

LGC: Week 7

I'm posting early this week because you never know ... I'm always so behind in posting my updates! I'm trying to be "ahead of the game" this time! Last week I wrote my post on Monday, thinking I'd just write it early, and then I'd get it on Tales From the Scales on time... and --whammo! -- I got sick with the Flu, and wasn't able to put my name in the Mr. Linky until today. LOL. Go figure, eh?

So, here I am, trying to be "early" again, hoping that this Flu bug is mostly gone, and on its way to being completely gone! I'm sick of being sick!

Anyhoo. Small blessings in being sick: I wasn't able to eat for two days, which has given me a sort of "jump-start" (my stomach shrank a bit), and I also wasn't able to get into the Halloween chocolates (thank the Lord!). ;o)

So, this coming week, once I have my strength completely back, I'm going to get back into my walking workouts, and I'm going to make sure to keep taking very small portions at meal times. That will hopefully help me to keep going in the right direction. I also hope to drink my 40oz. of water, daily. I keep hearing how drinking lots of water really helps you with weight loss. So, we'll keep aiming to do that.

Still working on the discipline & self-control, too, of course. ;o)

Monday, October 29, 2007

LGC: Weeks 5 and 6

Well, I missed my check-in for last week, so this post will have to update ya'll on both weeks 5 & 6.

Week 5 went all right. I got in 2 days of 'formal' exercise (with DVDs), and I walked to town and back a couple of times (about a 1/2 mile). I had one really bad "pig-out" day, but the other days seemed to be all right.

Week 6 has seen a bit of improvement. I've gotten in some yoga, and a couple of 2-mile walks. I had pop and chocolate on the weekend -- when not hungry -- so that wasn't a "beneficial" choice, but oh well. Moving on. ;o)

I've decided to increase my exercise. Instead of only doing 3 days a week, I'm going to try for 4. And, I'm going to make sure to use my weights when I walk. I also want to start getting in some strength-training exercises, using my stability ball, mostly. And, I plan to continue getting in my yoga from time-to-time, too, to work on flexibility.

My main priority is to become more self-controlled & disciplined. More and more, I'm realizing how important these things are, not just in my exercise & eating habits, but in ALL areas of my life. I need some big changes, and they start with those two things.

Friday, October 19, 2007

LGC: Week 4

Slowly we're making progress. ;o)

I have exercised 2 out of 3 days this week, I've gotten in at least 1/2 of my water on most of the days, and I have been really diligent (for the most part) about ONLY eating when my stomach says it's 'empty'.


I had a bad day or two the past few days, comparatively, but I'm not letting that get me down. I'm "pressing on", because I know I can "get" this.

The key, this week, has been an article that an online friend shared in our support group. It's all about how overeating is basically "sin"... it's gluttony, which is a "sin of the flesh". For me, this was an eye-opener [Note: Don't miss Part 6 of the article! It's hard to find, if you don't know to look for it!].

I've heard the "Gluttony is sin" speech plenty of times. I even listened to an MP3 by Crystal Munson on Gluttony (which was really powerful, and I recommend it!). But, it didn't hit me quite like this article did.

I'm praying for "new eyes" to see this, and for a "heart change" about this sin. I want God to really make me KNOW this deep in my heart ... that choosing to obey my flesh, rather than heeding the Holy Spirit's guidance, is disobedience, and that's "sin". I need this to be firmly ingrained. I need to get to the point where I DETEST sin... not just go, "Oh, that's something bad...I shouldn't do that".

I also learned, in the same article, that I need to be more self-controlled and disciplined. I'm praying for that, too.

So, here's to a great "Week 5" (my, how time flies, eh?). Babysteps are small, but they're progress, nonetheless! ;-)

PS... A *BIG* thank you to all of those who were praying for me this past week! I so greatly appreciate your prayers & support! It really, truly helps! :o)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

LGC: Week 3

Still not doing well. I'm still pigging out and eating when I'm not *truly* hungry. I even stoop so low as to melt down pb & chocolate-chipits, and eat it straight from the bowl! :-(

I need to change my mindset about things. I'm still in "diet mode", I think. And, that doesn't help. I've been feeling a lot of things lately:

deprived - because I said I was going to "fast" from certain "trigger" foods

stressed - because of the many *big* life changes taking place (new job/etc)

lonely - because God seems to be calling certain people out of my life

hungry - not so much in the physical sense as in the 'spiritual'
(and I keep 'feeding' the physical instead of realizing that's not it)

And so, we press on. I have to pray about all of the above. I can't "fix" this on my own.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

LGC: Week 2

The first part of this past week went terrible. I had a ton of stressful events going on, plus a party to attend, so I ended up eating more than I needed to, and overdoing it with sweets.

But, starting yesterday, I've begun to get back on track. I bought myself a cool water bottle so that I can keep it with me throughout the day -- I got in 40oz. of water, yesterday, and am half-way to that same point already today!

I also got back to exercising today! I walked for 15 minutes, which isn't much, but at least it's a start.

And, for lunch, I had a grilled-cheese sandwich with some raw carrots.

Healthy body, here I come!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

LGC: week one

("Look Great in 2008" Challenge = LGC)

Week one of the Look Great in 2008 Challenge is over, and I'm worse off than when I started. Much as I'm not going to mention anything about my losses, I guess it's okay to say that I went UP in my weight -- by 4 stinking pounds! -- this past week. :-? But, I know it's because I pigged out on chocolate-caramel cakes. Hubby had a 'craving' for them, so we bought the bulk-box (baaaaad idea!), and I finished off most of them. :-(

Also, I haven't really put any effort at all into my weight loss journey this past little while. I've gotten tired of fighting this battle. I'm tired of this being constantly on my mind. I just want out of this crazy cycle.

But, as the title of this blog says, I'm "pressing on"!

I'm not giving up, but I'll be redoubling my efforts. First, I need to put on some "armor".

I have to say, too, that I've been going 'round in circles. I seem to be chasing after that elusive (read: non-existent) "magic cure" for my "problem"... I keep reading books about weight loss, health & nutrition (as evidenced by my last post -- all of the books I've read in the last several years) but I never apply what I read. I just read it, take notes, think "That's a GREAT idea!", and then forget about most of it a week after I set the book aside. :-(

I realized, the other day, that things aren't going to change for me if I don't start putting in some serious effort. As Oprah once said, "Any goal worth reaching always requires HARD WORK."

I have to make a committment to myself, to do what I need to do to get healthy, and to take care of the body God's entrusted to me.

Here's to a new month (soon) of pressing on, and taking steps toward getting healthier! ;)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Health & Fitness Books I've Read

  • First Place - Carole Lewis (B)

  • The Ultimate Weight Solution - Dr. Phil McGraw (B)

  • Walk Away the Pounds - Leslie Sansone (A)

  • The G.I. Diet - Rick Gallop (B)

  • The Weigh Down Diet - Gwen Shamblin (C)

  • Thin Within - Judy & Arthur Halliday (A)

  • Overcoming Overeating - Hirschmann / Munter (C)

  • Fit For Life - Harvey & Marilyn Diamond (C)

  • Thin People Don't Clean Their Plates - Jill Fleming (B)

  • Why Weight? - Geneen Roth (B)

  • Win the Weigh Game - Sarah Ferguson & Weight Watchers (B+)

  • Intuitive Eating- Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch (A)

  • The Secrets of Skinny Chicks - Karen Bridson (B+)

  • Mindless Eating - Brian Wansink (B+)

  • Back On Track - Carole Lewis (B+)

  • The Best Life Diet - Bob Greene (B)

  • The F-Factor Diet - Tanya Zuckerbrot (C)

  • The Portion Teller - Lisa R. Young (B+)

  • Fattitudes - Jeffrey & Norean Wilbert (A-)

  • Eat Smart, Walk Strong - Leslie Sansone (B+)

  • Thin Within [non-Christian version] - Judy Wardell (B)

  • The Sugar Solution - Sari Harrar & Prevention Magazine (B)

  • Look Great, Feel Great - Joyce Meyer (B+)

  • Get With the Program - Bob Greene (B-)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Look Great challenge - Goals

Well, the challenge has begun. And, already I'm off to a slow start. Due to a silly (but, thankfully small!) injury, I've not been able to start in with my exercise like I'd planned. And, I've not really done anything with my eating habits, yet, either.

Irregardless, I'm still going to "press on". ;o)

For the challenge, I plan to:

* drink more water
(keeping a water bottle with me throughout the day; drinking at set times when I already do other things... trying to "link" them so it becomes habit)

* consistently exercise
(walking, etc. for 30 minutes, at least 3 times per week)

* follow my hunger cues
(eat only when physiologically hungry, and stop before "stuffed")

* let God lead
(trust that He knows what's best; stop giving in to my own whims)

* get enough sleep
(seven or more hours a night would be best)

* keep snacks to a minimum
(90% of the time I should choose "healthy"; the other 10% can be indulgence)

* eat more fruits, veggies & whole grains
(I don't eat near enough, so I need to make this a habit)

* watch my portion sizes
(already use a smaller plate, but tend to pile it... gotta watch that!)

So, hopefully next week I can get back to exercising Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And, I'm going to start tomorrow morning with the other bits. There is no excuse. I am the only person standing in the way of my reaching my goals.

Oh, and just for the record, my goal is to be at least 15 pounds lighter by the end of the challenge... but, I can't record my progress in that area, so you'll just have to guess by whether my posts are full of "progress" or "stuck-ness". ;-P

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Look Great in 2008 Challenge

I've not been successful with other weight loss challenges in the past, but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying!

And, to that effect, I'm joining in on the new "Look Great in 2008 Challenge" hosted by Tales From the Scales.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The challenge goes from September 19th, 2007 -to- January 11, 2008. All you have to do is post every week about your progress, and "check in" at the Tales From the Scales website every Tuesday (sign your name on the Mr. Linky).

I'll be posting here, to this blog, about my progress, weekly. But, a word of warning: I will not be posting my weight ... meaning, I cannot post whether I've gone UP or DOWN on the scale. It's a "God-thing".... So, thank you for understanding. ;o)

Rest assured, though, there will be plenty of other things for me to write about, and for you to read. ;-P

I dare you to join in the challenge! ;P

Friday, September 14, 2007

TBR: "Fit From Within"

"Fit From Within" by Victoria Moran

Book Description (from Amazon):
"Each year, Americans invest more time, more energy, and more money--$33 billion! --trying to lose weight. Yet, the rates of obesity and related illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, continue to climb at an alarming pace. Statistically, heroin addicts have better odds of kicking their habit than food junkies do of kicking theirs. After decades of crash dieting and self-recrimination, Victoria Moran chanced upon a very basic truth about weight loss that allowed her to lose 60 pounds and keep it off for 17 years and counting. In Fit from Within, she shares with you what she learned and outlines a complete mind-body approach to attaining and maintaining your ideal weight.

Writing with the sensitivity of one who's been there, she helps you to understand and confront the emotional and spiritual roots of your unhealthy relationship with food and to make the personal transformation from a prisoner of food to being free to live a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life."

I heard about this book, the other day, in a group I'm in online. A friend had posted a chapter or so from the book, and it had me curious. So, I went and looked it up on Amazon, and found out that I'm VERY interested in reading more of it! Now the book is on my wishlist, and I'm planning to buy a copy in a couple of weeks. ;)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Toward the Prize

This is going to be a place for me to just ramble about my weight loss efforts. I strive to be healthier so that I can be there for my family, but I also desire to be thinner, too. Somewhere there's a balance -- not having to give up everything I want, but also choosing the best options along the way.

I believe in the "everything in moderation" philosophy, so I will not restrict. That only makes me crave things more. I also know that there have to be some limits. Move more, eat less... that's my current motto.