Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am still not doing really well. Mind you, I've done better on keeping up with my housework ((grin)), but not so much with watching my eating / health. And it's the latter that I'm more concerned about, really.

I have to rethink how I'm doing things, maybe 'try something new'. What I'm doing isn't working, obviously... and, that's mostly a "mind" thing, more than it is a "logistics" thing. So, I've got to do some serious thinking. LOL

Ran across an interesting website / idea... still looking into it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Continuing to Start

I keep having to start over. But, according to a book I read, recently, starting over is the key to lasting success.

March was a wash. I didn't do much of anything toward my weight-loss goals, or even my healthy living goals. In fact, I didn't do much of anything, period! I fell behind on housework, and everything. All due to being in a sort of mini-depression.

Praise the Lord, I feel I'm pulling out of it. The warmer weather, and increased amount of sunshine definitely helps! ;o)

For April, I'm planning to start again... really start back into focusing. I'm going to start my walk-jog interval program, and I want to get back to regular (daily) exercise and water-intake. I also need to be more diligent with following my hunger signals. I've let that go, too.

The Easter chocolate is almost gone (thank goodness!), and I'm only one pound up for it. A blessing, that is!

So, here's to a new month and a chance to start again!