Tuesday, November 20, 2007

LGC: Week 9

I have to say what an amazing difference a good dose of motivation can make! This past week, I quickly read through my new book, "100 Days of Weight Loss" by Linda Spangle, and I got so entirely psyched up and rarin' to go! The book has 100 "days" of motivational tips, ranging from "Interested or Committed?" (examining whether you have the perseverance you need to stick to your plan) to "What is Emotional Eating?", to "The Eating Pause" (explaining how most people pause in their eating when they've reached their point of 'satisfaction'). This book just makes a lot of sense.

And, the cool thing is, it ISN'T a "diet" book, in the typical sense of the word. The author doesn't give you food plans to follow, or tell you to leave out certain food groups. She just motivates you to stick with your own plan, whatever it may be... plain & simple (if you're following hunger-fullness, or doing Weight Watchers, or SouthBeach... anything would work with this book!). And, that's part of why I love it. That, and she is constantly encouraging "hunger-fullness"-style methods (eating only when you're physiologically hungry, stopping when you're satisfied, seeing food as 'fuel', etc).

So, anyway. The good news in all of this is that I've stuck to my guns for the past few days -- even on the weekend (which is a complete miracle for me!) And, I plan to continue! I am now committed, rather than just 'interested'. ;)

I'm re-reading the book, now, day-by-day as it's intended... and I'm doing the journaling exercises daily, too (which are included at the end of each "day"). I'm gonna beat this thing! ;-)

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