Monday, January 7, 2008

Re-Started today

Well, so far, so good! I'd decided that today would be the day I recommit myself to putting 100% effort into losing weight & getting healthy. And, I've been working hard at it!

* I did a 2-mile walk
* I drank 1/2 of my water (20 oz.)
* I've eaten only when hungry (stomach empty!)
* I've stopped eating when I felt "satisfied", not stuffed

So, it's turning out to be a decent day. ;)

Let's just hope I can keep it up! I have written out a list of "benefits to putting 100% effort into losing weight & getting healthy", and I plan to review this whenever I feel like slacking off. I also found a great motivational website for when I'm feeling like nothing's working. Reading 'success stories' tends to get me going again -- it's just the 'boost' I need.

Here's to Looking Great in 2008! ;-)

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