Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I am still not doing really well. Mind you, I've done better on keeping up with my housework ((grin)), but not so much with watching my eating / health. And it's the latter that I'm more concerned about, really.

I have to rethink how I'm doing things, maybe 'try something new'. What I'm doing isn't working, obviously... and, that's mostly a "mind" thing, more than it is a "logistics" thing. So, I've got to do some serious thinking. LOL

Ran across an interesting website / idea... still looking into it.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Staying healthy is really the most important thing. I still strongly recommend the Abs Diet - not a "diet" as we normally think of it, but a lifestyle of healthy eating. I also recommend the Skinny Songs CD. It is soooo motivating and fun. Sending hugs your way.
Path to Health

Christina said...

As I read your blog it seems almost like you are writing for me! I can relate to how you're feeling in just about every aspect. Keep pressing on. Remember "that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6