Saturday, September 15, 2007

Look Great in 2008 Challenge

I've not been successful with other weight loss challenges in the past, but that doesn't mean I won't keep trying!

And, to that effect, I'm joining in on the new "Look Great in 2008 Challenge" hosted by Tales From the Scales.

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The challenge goes from September 19th, 2007 -to- January 11, 2008. All you have to do is post every week about your progress, and "check in" at the Tales From the Scales website every Tuesday (sign your name on the Mr. Linky).

I'll be posting here, to this blog, about my progress, weekly. But, a word of warning: I will not be posting my weight ... meaning, I cannot post whether I've gone UP or DOWN on the scale. It's a "God-thing".... So, thank you for understanding. ;o)

Rest assured, though, there will be plenty of other things for me to write about, and for you to read. ;-P

I dare you to join in the challenge! ;P


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Welcome to the challenge! It has helped me on my journey, to have somewhere to check in and lots of others with the same struggles and a few with really good advice on changes to make! Here's to many pounds gone in the next 16 weeks or so! ;-)
Path to Health

tamlovesran said...

I just joined the challenge too. Good luck. We can do it!

God bless,